Theming Field Collections in Drupal 7

Field collections is a great module that extends your Drupal site capabilities by allowing you to have “groups” of fields. This becomes extremely useful when you need multiple groupings of fields. If you’re a Drupal developer, you know how valuable this can be. If you’ve used Field Collections in the past, you know how frustrating … Continue reading Theming Field Collections in Drupal 7

A Tale of Two Platforms—Contributing to Competing Open Source Platforms

I’ve been a long-time developer of WordPress and Drupal. WordPress since version 2.6 and Drupal since version 6. Both platforms have their pros and cons; both platforms have their place in the CMS world. While I typically use WordPress for small to medium size websites that rely on limited, registered user interactions, I use Drupal … Continue reading A Tale of Two Platforms—Contributing to Competing Open Source Platforms

WordPress Plugin: Similar Posts Ontology

The following is a WordPress contributed plugin. You can download it here: Similar Posts Ontology. Does your website utilize categories and tags? Does it use custom taxonomies? If so, this plugin will find similar content based on all your taxonomies. There are two ways to show related posts within your page. The first way to … Continue reading WordPress Plugin: Similar Posts Ontology

Hierarchical Data in MySQL

Managing a site structure, or any other structure, in a database often gets overlooked. It’s pretty simple and a common standard to use what’s called the Adjacency List Model without sitting down and thinking about other possible solutions. In this post I’ll talk about a different method of storing hierarchical data in a relational database.

Rewriting URL’s with mod_rewrite

Rewriting URL’s from difficult-to-read addresses to simple, clean addresses can make your website much more user-friendly and SEO-friendly, but it can be difficult to accomplish without the proper tools. Enter mod_rewrite! Mod_rewrite is a part of the Apache web server that acts as a proxy before content from the web server is returned to your browser…